
Emmett Redding

My Friend Paul

When we think back on our childhood friendships, we can all identify moments where they are all-consuming and important, yet over time wash away, without us noticing why or when.

The deep connections we make become less and less common as we grow into adults, and it is easy to look past how resilient we are to losing these friendships without grief.

Through a recollection of a summer in suburban Australia, My Friend Paul is an exploration of these moments we have all had in our lives.

My Friend Paul was produced by Emmett Redding in 2020 while studying an MA in Animation, Games & Interactivity at RMIT University.
My Friend Paul - Laurels My Friend Paul - Screengrabs

My Friend Paul is a reflection on fierce friendships that are all-consuming, yet wash away over time. It explores the nature of nostalgia and the fluidity of memory through the recollection of a summer in suburban Australia.

My Friend Paul - Poster